G.K. Chesterton: “Exactly what does breed insanity is reason. Poets do not go mad; but chess-players do. Mathematicians go mad, and cashiers; but creative artists very seldom. I am not, as will be seen, in any sense attacking logic: I only say that this danger does lie in logic, not in imagination.” (Orthodoxy)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An instant potatoes day...

If you haven't heard of The Wailin Jennys I pity your life up to this point. They are often featured on A Prairie Home Companion (if you don't know what THAT is you are now dead to me...I guess if you never admit to it or remedy yourself right now by going to http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/ and educating yourself it may land you back in my good graces), one of my all-time favorite radio shows, and since the first time I heard them on there I was hooked. If I ever have a theme song composed (don't put it past me) I will commission them to write and perform it for me. (Although technically I already have a theme song..."OHHHH KETTIE...YOUR WAYS ARE THE BEST WAYSSSS.." that Seth Roush composed for me but if I ever need a NEW theme song this is my plan. Also, I have no idea what my current theme song means so it may be good to have one that makes sense.)
Today involved a 5 1/2 hour food safety class (day numero dos) and a 1 1/2 hour food safety test. From what others have told me I probably won't get my results until my AmeriCorp year is almost over so they will NEVER know if I fail it. HA! I'm pretty much an expert on cooking temperatures and how to cool down that 80 lbs of spaghetti sauce you made so feel free to call me if you ever need some food safety advice. Then again I may have failed the test so it may kill you...(that's a disclaimer).
Our cat is gone.
After being trapped in a cupboard for a few hours the other day and me thinking he had run away I decided it was time that he moved out. He was only here until he could get his act together and fly straight...actually he was the runt of his litter and needed a little TLC before he had to tough it out with big bad farm life...so we took him in and spoiled him (so much for getting his act together). Now he is back at the farm and I hope he makes it. We all miss the little guy. I think he was slightly insane (he fit right in!) and did some weird stuff but he fit in our little family and now he has flown the nest. Oh how they grow up! Edgar, here's to you, I hope you survive to be an old grumpy cat!
I'm a good cook but I can get distracted. Today to quickly fill my grumbling belly I decided to make instant mashed potatoes (DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE ME...WE ALL HAVE THOSE DAYS!) and I got distracted by the phone and lights and thoughts and I poured waaaaayyy too much of those instant potato flakes in...and I don't have any milk and so I messed them up royally. Bah-humbug. You know its been a weird day when you mess up dummy potatoes. (so I just looked up dummy potatoes on Google to make sure they weren't anything else and this popped up...The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band - "Mama's Fried Potatoes" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaP0PKptmQ4 ...worth a few seconds of your day!)
Okay. Go back to your lives now. Thanks for reading.

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